Will Your Mobile App Find Success?

Mobile app development is a great area to find fame and fortune these days, but not all apps are created equal.

Unfortunately, with an average of 1.5 million apps in both the Apple and Android stores, creating apps that are solid in usage and design just isn’t enough to get noticed. Here are four tried-and-true tactics to help increase mobile app revenues.


mobile app success


Free Is the Magic Word

Free might not sound like the way to increase mobile app revenue, but it will exponentially increase the number of users who will give your app a try. There are many ways to monetize a free app these days. Consider charging for options inside the app or offering a free trial period for a set number of days.

Develop for Android and Apple

Although iPhones seem to get the lion’s share of news coverage, Android phones are killing it in market share. In the second quarter of 2015, Android OS dominated 82 percent of the market share. Apple declined by 22 percent. It’s okay to start with just one mobile platform, but have a plan that includes eventually encompassing both. It’s simple math. More users equal more opportunity to increase mobile app revenue.

Make it Shareable

Apps that include a way to connect to friends and family basically turn their users into promoters. Not all apps need to be social media apps to tap into this essentially free advertising. If just one feature inside the app works better when it’s connected to other users, people will start to spread the word to the people they know, who will in turn tell more people. It’s a great way to get word of mouth going for your app.

Keep it Easy to Use

Users demand apps to be as intuitive as possible. Most won’t stick around long if they can’t figure out how to use the app quickly. Advanced features are nice for some, but every user appreciates simplicity. Make sure that the basic objectives can be accomplished in seconds, and then add more features from there for those who have more patience to learn the technology.

Some say that apps that go viral get lucky. But viral apps, while having a luck component, are more likely employing smart marketing strategies for apps.

There isn’t a magic formula to receiving a large amount of revenue from mobile apps, but these four objectives have served app developers well. Design a great and useful/fun app, and use these 4 tips to help your mobile apps installs and revenues climb.

Want to learn more?

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